Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jacey Nova: Starship Pilot

What valuable lesson did the two pilots learn from each other?  In what way did Jacey change the most and in what way did Gamal change the most?

**You need to answer in 5-7 sentences and comment on two others**


  1. Well i think that Jacey and Gamal had got along when they were working on winning the BattleGlobe they work as a team but had ups and downs trying to win the battle.

  2. To listen to each other and get along with each other.

  3. in my opinion gamal relied to much on his ability to see behind him. He did not pay attention to what was right in front of him.To me he changed the most by looking in front of his self and not behind and he was better off that way.Jacey was a very independent worker and I do not think he was used to working with others as much as he did working by his self. I think what changed was the additude he had about working with Gamal. The lesson learned was that it might be hard to work with someone who is not your kind or someone you dont like but you never know because you might become best friends.

  4. Jacey and Gamal both learned to trust one another. Jacey changed the way he felt about Sarpedons. Gamal changed the way he felt about humans. They argued at first because one was a human and the other was a Sarpedon. Sarpedons and humans never used to get along.

  5. Gamal changed the because she had lost her eye sighgt and got it back.
    And they where piolits and jacey changed the most because he wasnt a piolit and then he became a piolit

  6. That you should listen to each other and be respectful to each other. Be a good teammmate. Feel confindint in your self and never give up. Jacey stoped being mean. Gamal stopped being mean.

  7. In the story, Gamal didn’t like Jacey because he thought that Jacey thought too much, but at the end when Jacey told Gamal to stop trusting his special ability and it worked, Gamal started to like Jacey because Jacey helped Gamal win GalaxyGlobe. I think that Gamal was just jealous of Jacey because he thought that Jacey was a better spaceship pilot than him. Also, I think that Jacey just wanted to be friends with Gamal.

  8. At first then at the end gamal got together. in the beginning they were not best friends because they were enimies.

  9. They learned to trust each other and believe in each other. Jacey changed from not trusting Gamal and not being able to turn his back away from Gamal without thinking that he will do something to him, to trusting him and being his friend. Gamal changed from not liking Jacey and not trusting him to trusting him and being his friend. Another thing that Jacey changed from is that he went from not wanting to fly with Gamal to wanting to fly with him any time. Another thing that Gamal change from is that he went from not liking Jacey’s kind to liking his kind.

  10. I think they both learned how to trust each other and work together and over come
    Each others differences and learn to work together no matter what they learned how to become friends. I think gamal changed the most in his act and anger jacey changed his way and learned how to work with gamel

  11. The valuable lesson I learned is that it is good to change from hating somebody to having another friend and he could be your best friend and you never know how much fun you can have with him. Gambal and jacey changed from not being able to get along and now they are best friends. They get along now because they were working together and they became friends. Now that gambal and his roommate are friends they get to have fun. They solved there problems by working together.

  12. The two pilots learned from each other that just because you are from different places you can still be good at something. Gamal knew how to fly really well so that was something he was good at. They both know how to do something. The lesson of this story is treating others nicely and the way you would like to be treated. That is how they figured out how to dodge everybody. Also that’s how they won.

  13. I feel that jacey and gamal changed because they were fighting. Then somebody i think it was the pilot. he said that they sould stop fighting

  14. I think that the two characters Jacey and Gamal learned the valuable lesson of; if you give someone a chance you might not see them the way that you see them now. Also another lesson I thought they learned is that even though they are different still treat them the way you want to be treated. Jacey changed from not really liking Gamal because Gamal didn’t treat Jacey the way he wanted to be treated to at the end when Jacey and Gamal won the battle together from getting along and cooperating with each other. Gamal changed from being rude and not liking Jacey to at the end them being cooperative enough to win the battle.

  15. Jacey and Gamal learned that you don't need to go by just your senses and sight . They learned to listen to one anothers ideas.

  16. I thought the valuable lesson was that you should always be friends. And be nice to each other. And that you can always change and become a better person. And that you can work together and accomplish something and make friends. And I thought that Jacey changed the most by making friends with gammel and started getting along. And gammel changed by making friends with Jacey.

  17. I think that jacey and Gamal learned that you should get along with everyone. It does not matter if you are different than other people.

  18. Good job joseph good idea.

  19. At first the two spiecies were enimies.During the middle of the book the costantly were fight during training. then in battle globe they got to better not to fight and they past the test. Jacey learned that don't judge a book by a cover. Gamal learned to control his temper. They both learned about team work working together on there assiments.

  20. Jacey and Gamel learned to not judge each other by the outside and listened to there ideas. They gave each other chances and still became friends a got along. Jacey changed the most by giving Gamel a chance to be nice to him and accept him as a roommate. Gamal changed the most by being nice to jacey and let them be friends, not eminies

  21. My opinion is that Gamal could look in front of instead of behind him. And maybe him and Jacey could be friends.

    Jacey is very independent and tried to be friend to Gamal but Gamal was just rude to him so they were fussing a lot.

  22. I think they changed the when they stared cooperaing and working together. and i liked the teamwork they were doing. and also i liked when gamal was telling jacey when people were sneeking behind them.

  23. The two pilots in this story did not get along in the beginning because they were from different places. The person who invited them did that so they can learn that the war between them is over and they need to learn how to work together. Gamal changed at the end because he learned that the war between them is over and they can work together to complete something. Jacey learned that they were both good at something so he learned neither one of them is better than one another

  24. I think the valuable lesson that the two pilots learned Is to over come your differences an become friends. In the way jacey changed is he learned hoe to live with gamel even though they come from different planets. In the way gamel changed is he learned to work with a human and become friends .I think this story taut me a lesson even though you might have differences and stick out from others they still can be great friends and it taught me to over come our differences and to not judge peole from how they look that’s what I think of this book

  25. In my opinion gamal relied to much on his ability to see behind him. He did not pay attention to what was right in front of him.To me he changed the most by looking in front of his self and not behind and he was better off that way.Jacey was a very independent worker and I do not think he was used to working with others as much as he did working by his self. I think what changed was the additude he had about working with Gamal. The lesson learned was that it might be hard to work with someone who is not your kind or someone you dont like but you never know because you might become best friends.
