Friday, March 4, 2011

Blog Guidelines

When you press PUBLISH, what you have written is instantly visible all around the world. Make sure you think carefully about what you write in blogs and in comments and always follow these rules.
Read the Blogging Guidelines. Then, think about how you have used the internet in the past. Are these guidelines easy or hard to follow? Why do you think they are important?
Do not use your last name.
Don’t be specific when writing about yourself. eg. Say: “I play basketball with a local team” rather than “I play for the Mt Eliza Tigers”.
Never give anyone your address, email address or phone number. You can keep in touch through the blog.
Do not post photos of others without their permission.

Don’t say anything that might be offensive to someone else.
Be considerate of others. When commenting, show others that you have read what they have written rather than just saying “great job”.
Be open to other people’s opinions, but be prepared to discuss your own position if you don’t agree.

BE LITERATE:You know about good grammar, spelling and punctuation. Apply it!
Save abbreviations and shortcuts for MSN and texting.
You are broadcasting yourself to the world. Present yourself in the best possible light.


  1. Yes, I think these guidelines are easy to follow because they are simple and specific they state facts on how to be safe on the internet. I do think that the rules are important because if you follow them like you should and don’t give out personal information then you will be safe.

  2. I think that it is hard to follow because you are so used to speak freely to others but in this you are not supposed to . I think that it is important to follow these rules because people around the world do not need to know who you are or what your daily life is about.

    1. I like all the thought you put into your comment, that was really good.

  3. They are easy to follow because this is pretty much the same as facebook. It is important that we follow them because other people could come and visit our school and do something bad or they could even do that to our own homes. If we give them our e-mail then they could annoy us with that.

  4. I think this blog is easy to follow because all you have to do is follow what it says and you will be good. The reason I think this blog is important because everybody does not need to know your address or your phone number. When you write something make sure you are been respectful about because it could really be offensive.

  5. I think these guide lines are easy to follow because you can see what you need to follow what you need to learn about be safe. I think that these are important because these rules are trying to keep you safe.

  6. I think they are easy to follow because I have never given my address or anything to other people. They are important because someone could blackmail you and it is not right that you hurt people’s feelings.

  7. I think the rules are easy to follow. I also think they're important because they keep us safe and sound

    1. The are very helpful for keeping us safe

  8. I think it’s easy to follow these rules because I know that I shouldn’t give people my information because some people are crazy and don’t know how to act. I think that a lot of people will be able to follow these rules pretty easily because most people have been on the internet and on stuff like this before.

    1. Thanks for this thought. I like that you put that others don't always act appropriately. That's what I want, to keep everyone safe from those who do not have the best intentions!

  9. I think it is not hard follow like on facebook my mom has to approve of posts people do if there bad my mom deletes them off my account like you approve of us posting. I think they are easy and great rules to fallow like don’t put your full name or like don’t post bad posts like personal information like utube you show yourself online you never post something dumb if seen dumb things nasty and bad never a good thing my dad did not want me to have an account I went with it so I don’t make a dumb choice no affiance for people who did sorry.

  10. The guidlines are easy to understand and are good examples for the internet and to blog.

  11. We need to use good manners to other people to get respect from them and use good words to people spell correctly

  12. It’s easy because we are responsible for our actions and we follow the rules that keep us safe. If we don’t follow the rules we are putting our self and others in danger. There important because they help use with being safe and not harmed. These rules are helpful and they help us blog

  13. I think these rules will be good when some students get there own blog and I think they are good examples to

  14. They are easy to follow. Because if you do not follow the rules you could get hurt realy bad

    1. I think your right because if you put personal things up there the whole world will see it

  15. I think it's good to share your ideas with your fellow class mates and give them advice
    and give them something to think about.

  16. I think that the rules that you blogged are a really example of not getting your self in trouble. I think that the guidelines are pretty easy to follow. People will really follow your rules!

  17. I really think those rules are good to follow because if you post something mean about someone else and then the whole world can see it that person would feel furious and sad but that’s not being a very nice classmate and these are easy rules to follow

  18. Mrs. Pichel, I think that your guidelines will be helpful to the class. I agree that we need to be safe otherwise, we will be bothered and annoyed and maybe even frightened by someone else on the internet that’s trying to get our personal information. Also, when you said to be respectful I think that is very important because if you post something up that your friend doesn’t like or is embarrassed by that could start an argument with you and your friend and that wouldn’t be very pleasant to hear or see. Be literate is probably the most important one of all because the things you post on the internet will never go away and it is viewable to anyone who has access to this website. Thanks!

  19. I think the rules are not hard to follow and I think they’re important because if we did not have any we might put wrong things on it and act like we are texting.

  20. I do think the rules are easy if you follow them if you don’t understand them ask the teacher

  21. I think these rules are important so we can keep our self safe. An learn how to use the internet wisely and learn .

  22. I think these rules are easy to follow because I already do these same things. I also like the way you put it specific.

  23. I think it’s good to have safety tips on ways to stay safe online so nobody will put themselves in danger. The guidelines are very easy to follow because they are very organized.

  24. I think these rules are important so we can keep our self safe. And learn how to use the internet wisely.

  25. I think they are very good rules because it makes it safe foor us.

  26. I think its a little easy .I think it’s important because people you don’t know can come to your house if you put where you live.

  27. I think that it is easy because if you use the internet you should know these rules. These are important to be a better writer.

  28. I think that the rules are easy to follow.It's important that we do not our e-mall adresse or were we live etc.

  29. I think an advantage of have a human teacher is a difference in our behavior. We would probably act better with a human teacher than a mechanical one because the mechanical teacher can't stop us from misbehaving.

  30. I think the rules are easy to follow. The instructions are very important because there are so many people that might see the phone number or your address. And the strangers could com to your house. And you never know if they are going to hurt you. Sadly People can never be trusted.

  31. After reading Walk Two Moon’s chapter1-44 what is the important lesson did Sal learn that her mom is with her for ever and ever and that’s she is in the tree’s . And that Gram is with her to and that Gramps need’s Gram. You always keep love ones in your heart because she will see mom in her memory that she have seen in her past.
